Roscoe, IL

Serving The Community In Roscoe, IL

Rockford Insulation Pros is based out of Rockford, but performs work in many surrounding areas such as Roscoe, IL. Our technicians go the distance to help as many towns and cities as possible in order to bring high quality insulation services and improve communities. Our family owned company cares about our clientele and is flexible to work with their schedules in order to get the job done.

Our company offers expert insulation services such as insulation installation, removal, air sealing, fresh air ventilation systems,  home energy assessments, and sound deadening. Rockford Insulation Pros also uses the highest quality products on the market such as fiberglass, spray foam, cellulose, radiant barrier, (BIBS) blown-in blanket system, sonoglass, monoglass, and K13 spray.

Call us today and schedule a free estimate, knowing that our technicians are extremely attentive to detail and can thoroughly address your entire project as well as pointing out any potential problem areas that may have gone unnoticed. Our customer’s safety always comes first and we ensure all work is warrantied and performed in accordance with the latest building codes.

Rockford Insulation Pros

Rockford Insulation Pros

401 W State St, 

Rockford, IL 61101


Monday – Friday: 8AM – 5PM

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed 

See how our company can improve the comfort and energy efficiency of your home or business!

Contact Rockford Insulation Pros today for a free estimate.